Outcome Orientation

It’s not over until it’s over.”

Yogi Berra, Hall of Fame Baseball Player.

We’ve devoted significant attention to developing problem-solving skills and critical thinking, which are undeniably crucial. However, one thing that often goes overlooked, yet serves as a key differentiator for both companies and individuals, is OUTCOME orientation. You see, it’s not sufficient merely to identify the correct solution; one must ensure that the desired outcome is achieved. It’s not okay to be almost done but not done, or to delegate tasks without ensuring their completion.  

It’s the focus on outcomes that drive us to review and assess our actions. Because action to achieve a target outcome but without the desired outcome is good but insufficient. Your relentless focus on outcomes will instinctively guide you on what to prioritize and the actions to take.   

Here are a few thoughts on how you can become a more outcome-oriented person:

  • Start with the end in mind: Clearly define the desired outcome upfront to avoid fixating on activities rather than results. Clarity on the outcome will prevent you from celebrating milestones as end goals. Celebrate milestones no doubt, but keep your eye on the ball – a win is not a win until it’s a win.
  • Measure the right things: Set outcome-oriented KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), even for roles that don’t directly generate revenues.  It is a clear disconnect when an organization is “poorly performing”, but most employees are rated as high performers. They are measuring the wrong things – possibly activities and not outcomes. 
  • Review progress frequently: Frequent reviews drive progress. The faster you need to it done, the more frequent your reviews should be. Truly, what gets measured gets done.  If you want compliance, then create a system for regular inspection. 
  • Follow through: Track it until it’s done. Follow up to confirm tasks are fully executed, not merely in progress. Better yet, drive completion and provide updates on tasks you are responsible for. 
  • Reward outcomes: While effort deserves recognition, rewards should be reserved for tangible outcomes. Acknowledge and appreciate hard work but incentivize and celebrate successful outcomes.

Outcome orientation puts you in a different class of performance. Like all star athletes, truly understand and embed the concept of outcome orientation and becoming a ‘clinical finisher’ into all you do.” Remember, it’s not over until it’s over.  

Yours in possibilities,


PS: Have you downloaded my free vision planner? I share how to set long-term goals and the process of translating them into delivered outcomes. Click here to download and please share feedback!

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