Building young Africans into leaders of tomorrow today

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About Topsy Kola-Oyeneyin

Hi, I am Topsy Kola-Oyeneyin (TKO) and I am passionate about everything digital, empowering young Africans and how effectively marrying both can accelerate economic development and transform African nations. I love to write and my recent book – UNLEASH – provides a blueprint to equip young Africans seize opportunities in this season of rapid transition.

Topsy Kola-Oyeneyin Image
  • Transformation Agent
  • Advisor to Fortune 500 leaders
  • Experienced Executive, operating businesses in multiple African countries
  • Champion of Digital Financial Services innovation (Payments, Financial inclusion, Agent Banking)
  • Speaker & Published Author

I distill my 20+ years experience advising Fortune 500 and Government leaders into practical principles to achieve your desired results.

Career & Personal Development

Navigating paths, igniting possibilities, embracing growth.

Business & Entrepreneurship

Launching ideas, building structures, embedding impact

Research & Innovation

Challenging boundaries, creating new markets, enabling leapfrogs.

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Browse the latest TKO Insights:

The greatest investment opportunity

Legacy is movement – it’s not what you have done but what you SET IN MOTION. It is not what you leave behind but WHO you leave behind. Tan Seow How Have you been in a situation where you need to get something done, but it required you to do it yourself or find someone […]

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Are you paying attention?

“You might say the ‘entrepreneurial brain’ is really the ‘paying attention brain.’ There is an art to paying attention, listening for opportunities, and having an open mind that looks for solutions.” Belinda Ellsworth, Direct Sales Expert and Best-selling Author Recently, the Federal Government of Nigeria has made several announcements regarding planned economic reforms. Yes, I know […]

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What are you seeing?

“There are many little ways to enlarge your world. Love of books is the best of all.” Jacqueline Kennedy Seizing opportunities is often a function of what you see/recognize, and your ability to act in a timely fashion. One proven way of enhancing your sight and shaping your perspective is by reading.  I would highly recommend […]

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Podcasts Featuring Topsy Kola-Oyeneyin

Unleash Single Book Copy Design

Forget about age. It's not the question.
The real question is, are you ready to UNLEASH?

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